Searching for WGAN models tutorials lead me to the a derivative model called WGAN-GP from an example in the Keras documentation.

The original was easy to find here: ()

Here the enforcing of the Lipschitz constraints is not done by clipping weights but in alternative way through a gradient penalty. This a softer version of the original constraint since we want the weights to converge to 1 and not simply clip them as before.

In the code from Keras documentation the generate the interpolated data for the gradient penalty by calculating the difference between generated and real data multiplied by a variable sampled from a uniform(0, 1) which is then added to the real data.
In the original paper however the first term is added to the generated image. I’m not sure why this is setup as such in the example but I changed it to reflect what is inside the manuscript.

In addition in the WGAN-GP they highlight how to not use batch normalization in the Discriminator so I removed all of them. In their stead I decide to use the Selu which normalize internally.

For the gradient penalty coefficient λ I decided to retain what is specified in the paper, so 10. Same treatment for learning rates, βs and number of times the Discriminator is trained each epoch.

Gulrajani, Ishaan, Faruk Ahmed, Martin Arjovsky, Vincent Dumoulin, and Aaron Courville. 2017. “Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs.” https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.00028.