3  CDM and Data instance

ConcePTION(see Thurin et 2022) is an IMI project which began in 2019. As one of the project outputs, ConcePTION aimed to establish a trusted ecosystem that generates and disseminates reliable, evidence-based information regarding effects of medication used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. To this end, a CDM was designed to manage, within constrained timelines and budget, the heterogeneity inherent in the diverse data sources in Europe.

The ConcePTION CDM includes 16 tables. Each table includes multiple variables. The picture below summarises the ConcePTION CDM.

As you can see, the tables have four different colours. The colours indicate the four types of data tables:

Linkages between the different tables are represented by lines:

A data instance of a CDM refers to a set of structured data that conforms to the predefined schema and semantics.

To train the AE-WGAN-GP I used synthetic data since for privacy concerns I could used real data.

The instance I used is available here.

Thurin et, al. 2022. “From Inception to ConcePTION: Genesis of a Network to Support Better Monitoring and Communication of Medication Safety During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.” Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 111 (1): 321–31. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpt.2476.