27  Results

Using the Generator I created a dataset 1000 times larger than the initial one.

10000 Times didn’t work…

The Generator is not perfect so some of its output contains only 0. Since that is clearly impossible I decided to remove those rows. In total they were less than 2% of the generated dataset.

I then calculated the mean number of cases for each events I would get if I generated a dataset of the same size as the initial one

Varnames 0_real 0_synthetic diff_perc
B_COAGDIS_AESI 73.0 73.715309 -0.98
C_ARRH_AESI 65.0 69.045921 -6.22
C_CAD_AESI 31.0 31.479591 -1.55
C_MYOCARD_AESI 20.0 17.986734 10.07
C_VALVULAR_AESI 50.0 51.130611 -2.26
DEATH 258.0 253.684692 1.67
D_PANCRACUTE_AESI 13.0 9.452041 27.29
E_DM1_AESI 38.0 44.208164 -16.34
E_GOUT_AESI 27.0 25.344898 6.13
G_KIACUTE_AESI 15.0 14.710204 1.93
G_UTI_AESI 23.0 23.219387 -0.95
I_INFLUENZA_AESI 16.0 14.138776 11.63
M_FRACTURES_AESI 60.0 59.522449 0.80
M_OSTEOARTHRITIS_AESI 28.0 27.116327 3.16
N_STROKEHEMO_AESI 10.0 9.992857 0.07
SO_OTITISEXT_AESI 36.0 37.114285 -3.10
V_VTEALGORITHM_AESI 19.0 19.263266 -1.39

The script reproduce well most of the variables. However D_PANCRACUTE_AESI, C_MYOCARD_AESI and I_INFLUENZA_AESI are slightly underrepresented in the generated data, while E_DM1_AESI on the other hand is over represented.

The Mean Square Error is 5.63 which is good enough in this case.

Finally I wantef to see the number of events each persons has:

Number of events 0_real 0_synthetic diff_perc
1.0 639 639.180612 -0.03
2.0 52 52.792857 -1.52
3.0 28 27.562245 1.56

The script does a very good job in this case. I removed the impossible cases when the person has 0 events but even with that taken into account the performance does not drop much.

The Mean Square Error is only 0.28 which is very good.